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25 San Fransisco Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 22 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about San Fransisco. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. 5 Free Things To Do While Visiting San Francisco
..... Anyone who knows me well knows that I like cheap and free things to do with the family. It isn't that I'm not willing to pay good money for good fun, I just happen to believe that the best fun is sometimes as free as the wind. The same holds true when visiting new cities like San Francisco. I will invest a great amount of time looking for activities that me and other members of my family can enjoy for little or no money. This saves money for other things like good food and souvenirs. I'm also a big fan of David Letterman and in that spirit I decided to devise a top five list of my very own in honor of Mr. Letterman's Top 10 list. My big 5 list consists of things to do for free when visiting San Francisco. .....


2. 5 More Freebies For San Francisco Entertainment
..... If the thing you look least forward to on vacation is wracking up vicious amounts of debt on your Master Card, then you've come to the right place. I'm here to offer advice on free things to do while visiting San Francisco. Granted, it is not wise to think that you can go on vacation without spending any money and have a good time. However, it is quite possible to be very selective when deciding where to spend your money by having alternative entertainment options that cost little or no money. Rather than a top ten list, which can be a little long winded, I'm going to provide a top five list. My sincere hope is that you will use this list as inspiration for finding your own free or low cost entertainment while visiting San Francisco. On to the list: .....


3. Angel Island Is A Diversion From The Ordinary
..... Whether you are a true nature lover or simply enjoy the thrill of an educational field trip, you will find both the wonders of nature and a deep sense of history while visiting Angel Island. In fact, I would suggest making Angel Island a must see destination while visiting San Francisco. In the great city of San Francisco, which has so much to offer visitors, it's almost impossible to find that one thing that will be truly special and unique about your trip. Angel Island is just that thing. Wherever your interests lie, there is something that will attract the attention of people of all ages, economic situations, and other walks of life. If you can't find something that will interest you here, you really should rethink your interests. .....


4. Art Museums Still Manage To Move The Masses
..... With around 65 museums, it's no wonder that it is quite difficult to narrow down the choices and select the San Francisco museum that you absolutely must visit while vacationing here. The good news is that it is quite possible to narrow down the choices according to your personal preferences. Museums are a great way to discover the history, the art, and the future of a city. If that city gives a great amount of effort into building great places of learning about the art, music, history, and future of said city, then that city has a bright future ahead of it. Art is something that is becoming more and more often overlooked as budget cuts hit school curriculums and great emphasis is placed on learning specific facts and details rather than the learning process, but art is a vitally important component of societal development. Think about it, the one thing that survives the generations of old and appears in museum today is most often art of some sort. Art is a way of expressing who we are, what we dream, and where we hope we are going. If we take the art from our lives, we are stifling our societies and risking our progeny. .....


5. Blending Cultures Is The Key To Frisco's Greatness
..... Cultural activities and events abound in the great city of San Francisco. There are even plenty of museums that not only promote awareness of the diverse cultures of this great city but also celebrate the contributions of these people to what this city has become. If you are planning to visit San Francisco, you will be robbing yourself of a real treat if you fail to visit some of the museums devoted to the cultural history of this city. Below you will find museums dedicated to the great and diverse people of a city that is only as wonderful as its citizens. San Francisco truly is a melting pot of cultures, beliefs, philosophies, and ideals. If you are looking in from the outside it may not be as obvious to you as to someone who has made a great study of it, however, it is still there. The differences of people here are celebrated rather than duly noted. It's a different world here and I think it's an example that the rest of the world would do well to follow. .....


6. Fishermans Wharf Famous For A Reason
..... Fisherman's Wharf is one of the most famous of destinations for visitors of San Francisco, California and with good reason. There is so much to see and do in Fisherman's Wharf that you could quite easily plan an entire trip to Frisco and only leave the Wharf as you are leaving the city. The Wharf offers more than 2,500 hotel rooms, several restaurants, and an almost endless amount of shopping, history, culture, and attractions. Anyone would be hard pressed not to find something fun to do in Fisherman's Wharf. .....


7. Fun Museums For The Child In All Of Us
..... If you are bringing young ones on your visit to San Francisco, you've probably wracked your brain trying to find activities and events that will not only be fun for them but also provide much needed mental stimuli as well. Well, look no further. I have five museums that are guaranteed to be completely kid friendly and fun for the entire family. Gone are the days of stuffy museums that are cold and unfeeling. These museums of old have been replaced with modern day museums that offer areas that encourage hands on activities and promote learning and education through activities that are well disguised as fun. Your children will have no idea what just happened and you will be able to rest comfortable in the knowledge that this event that they considered so much fun will remain with them for a long time to come. Knowledge is a great gift to pass on to your children, especially when they don't realize what it is that you are giving them. .....


8. Golden Gate Park Offers More Than Just A Play Date
..... With its moderate temperatures year round, San Francisco is one of the best cities in the world in which to go outside and play. No matter what time of year it is, there is probably something you can find to do outside that is a lot of fun. Even if it is just "Singing in the Rain". Beyond singing of course, there are plenty of activities that are best enjoyed out of doors. And there are few places in the world better to enjoy these outdoor activities than Golden Gate Park. If you like wheels, there are plenty of places in the park where you can either rent biking and skating equipment. Of course if you plan on skating, it is quite easy to bring your own equipment along on your vacation. If you have children and are looking for fun activities that you can enjoy together, these are among the top on my list. Of course there are several more that you will find at Golden Gate Park as well. .....


9. Overbooking Your Time Is A Vacation Destroyer
..... When planning a vacation it is often very difficult to set priorities from a distance. San Francisco is really no different than any other vacation destination in that manner. In fact, as a vacation destination, this city has so much to offer that the problem isn't finding enough stuff to do; it is limiting yourself to only doing the things you want most to do because of time constraints. Unless you are going to be in this great city for a month, it would be very easy to overload your itinerary. Here are a few suggestions for pacing yourself while traveling as well as providing adequate downtime for all family members while visiting San Francisco. .....


10. San Francisco Feeds Its Guests Well
..... If you have a healthy appetite for good food and good drink, then visiting San Francisco is probably a great plan for you. While you are visiting, there are several places that you really should check out. Not only do these great places offer tours that will explain how they make their goodies, but many of them also offer samples. Even better, some of the tours are absolutely free. While not every good thing in life is free, there is no doubt that some of the best things are. Among those outstanding freebies is a tour of the Scharffen Berger Chocolate Factory. I love dark chocolate and while I won't go so far as to say they have the best dark chocolate (can't do that as I haven't tried all the dark chocolate there is to have in the world), I will say that there dark chocolate is definitely among the best. The only drawbacks I have found is that children must be at least 10 years old to attend, you must make reservations and you have to wear close-toed shoes (I live in Birkenstock's so this is a minus for me). I really believe that their chocolate is worth the sacrifice however and will gladly send the husband off with the kids to the arcade for an afternoon while I enjoy learning more about this awesome chocolate, err, chocolate company. The tours are free which means if you don't have young children it isn't too difficult to talk your traveling companion into going with you. If for some odd reason there is resistance you can always use the divide and conquer rule. Let them do an activity that you don't relish while you enjoy yours. .....


11. San Francisco Is Tops In Romance
..... If you're looking for a romantic vacation or honeymoon, perhaps you should consider visiting San Francisco, California. This great city offers a little something for everyone in addition to some very romantic destinations. There have even been songs about how romantic San Francisco is. Tony Bennett left his heart there if memory serves and who could resist a view of the Golden Gate Bridge when there's a full moon? San Francisco has been designated one of the most romantic cities in America don't you think it's time your found out why? It could have something to do with the climate, the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge, the many beaches around that are great for talking long walks at sunset or the many parks in the area where romantic couples can walk together, hike, bike, and simply enjoy being together. In addition to activities such as this, there are other ways in which to enjoy the great outdoors of San Francisco as a couple. You could take a sunset cruise in the San Francisco bay is you want to make a very romantic night of it. .....


12. San Francisco Is Not Just Childs Play
..... Visiting San Francisco, California is great to do with a family; it is even better to do as an adult without children along. Frisco has a thriving nightlife and plenty of entertainment that simply isn't meant for children. From the slightly off color to the seriously bawdy, San Francisco nightlife has entertainment of almost every flavor. Of course there is still plenty to do during the daylight hours too. If you're looking for a taste of nightlife that is 'belly busting' funny, there's Comedy on the Square that offers comedic variety shows. You can also check out Lila Theatre for some of the best long-form improvisation. If you need a good laugh these are great places to start. 50 Mason Lounge is also a great place to go to get in on the laughs. The problem with San Francisco is that there are so many great comedy clubs they can't all be listed in one place. My suggestion is that you ask around for suggestions and find out who's playing. You never know when someone you recognize might be popping in for the evening. .....


13. San Francisco Offers Great Fun For Kids Of All Ages
..... If you are looking for a great place to visit and bring the kids, look no further than San Francisco, California. This city is a wonderful vacation destination not only for grownups for little ones alike. There is so much to see and do that will appeal to young and old alike. The real beauty of San Francisco to me is the fact that many of the best attractions for kids are also educational as well. Even better is the fact that the educational values are so cleverly disguised as fun, your kids won't even know what hit them. In fact, mom and dad might find themselves learning a thing or two along the way. You might even find yourselves having just as much fun as your little ones are. .....


14. San Francisco Offers A Little Fun For Everyone
..... San Francisco is perhaps one of the most diverse cities in America. With the vast diversity among the people that make this great city what it is today, San Francisco really is a melting pot. Not only have the different cultures and flavors had a great effect on what this great city has become, they also have an incredible impact on the city that is seen by those visiting. There is very little you can look for in a vacation that can't be found in San Francisco. The real appeal of San Francisco as a vacation destination is that it has a little something to offer everyone. From families with small children, families with teens, young couples, older couples, to those of different lifestyles and ethnicities there is a little something that should appeal to all. .....


15. San Francisco Offers Fun In The Sun And The Water
..... If you like water sports and activities that involve the water, then San Francisco should be at the very top of your must visit list. There are so many water activities in San Francisco your head will spin. In fact, bring your suit and prepare to spend a great deal of time enjoying the water and the great recreation that the water has to offer. If you like the water but have little real experience at manning the wheel of a boat or navigating narrow straights, you will probably be best served by chartering the services of experts rather than attempting a go of it on your own. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to do this. One of the most common ways is to take a ferry out to Alcatraz or Angel Island. You get the benefit of time on the water with no work involved whatsoever. You also get the added benefit of a tour of some sort on the other end of your trip. Many visitors each year enjoy this means of water travel and it is both an economical way to travel by water and a low stress way to do so. .....


16. San Franciscos Original Chinatown Accept No Substitutions
..... When visiting San Francisco, California there are so many things to see and do that it is often difficult to decide which things you should do and see in which order. Perhaps one of the most interesting things to note about San Francisco is the diversity of the many 'neighborhoods' throughout the city. Of these many diverse neighborhoods, perhaps the most famous is San Francisco's Chinatown. With more than one hundred restaurants, Chinatown owes no small part of its fame to the great delicacies that can rarely be found outside this part of town. There is something about the ambience and atmosphere, the smells, sights, and sounds that make the food that much more appealing to the average diner. If you have tried Chinese food elsewhere, be sure to try it here and compare. I think you will find that there really is no comparison and it's hard to go back to dime store Chinese food once you've tasted 'the real thing'. .....


17. Science Museums Teach Children To Seek Truth
..... If science is the language that moves you, and for many of us, it is just that, then you really might want to visit some of the San Francisco museums that focus on science more than art. I find both to be of equal importance but there are those, many in fact, that would disagree with me. Whatever your feelings about it, if you have a child that you want to encourage to pay more attention to science courses in school, it is an excellent idea to take them to a museum such as this in order to fan that flame of curiosity. Science answers many questions about the past and offers many hints at the future of our world and universe. Without science there is much we wouldn't know and even more that we would not understand. I think any of use would be hard pressed to identify the single most important scientific discovery throughout history. There are so many things that are all very significant to the very lives we enjoy today and yet each and every scientific discovery happened because someone, somewhere, asked a question. .....


18. The Best Way To See San Francisco Is From The Air
..... The Best Way to See San Francisco is from the Air If you have plans of visiting San Francisco you really should consider seeing it from a birds eye view. There are many ways in which you can do this, but few, if any are more romantic than doing so from the basket of a hot air balloon. In fact, if you've never been in a balloon before, this is a great place to start. .....


19. The Incredible History Of San Francisco
..... I grew up watching cowboy movies and tales of the old Wild West on weekend television with my dad. I can't help but think of those old black and white movies whenever I think of San Francisco or California in general. Whenever I think of visiting San Francisco there is a part of me that visualizes the San Francisco of old, long before the earthquake of 1906, or not so long before actually. If you share my vision of a Wild West San Francisco or just wonder what it would have been like to walk down the streets of old, then perhaps one of these museums will help give you a taste of the good ole west without the outhouses (the one thing I never really could wrap my mind around). Even if you can handle a world without indoor plumbing, the idea of enjoying the greatest of the past while still experiencing the comforts of modern existence is quite appealing to me. .....


20. The Shows Of San Francisco
..... When visiting San Francisco, finding a way to unwind at the end of a long day of sight seeing isn't always the easiest thing in the world to do. After dinner the choices for entertainment often seem limited because you don't really want to become too wired from your activities to find peaceful sleep later. Perhaps this is why most shows are shown in the evening. San Francisco certainly has quite a few options for shows to see. If you like old musicals, then 42nd Street Moon is a great place for you to look for your entertainment. They like to take old Broadway musicals that haven't been over performed and rehash them to the delight of the audience and the cast. By breathing new life into these sometimes lost classics they are doing a service to both the original masters of these musicals and to the audiences they now play for. .....


21. The Teen Scene In San Francisco Offers Many Opportunities For Fun
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22. Trains Aren't A Lost Art In San Francisco
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23. Walking Tours Give Unique Views Of San Francisco History
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24. Wine Country Offers Great Family Fun
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25. Young And Old Alike Fun Abounds In San Francisco
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