5. Acid-base reactions 5.4: Acid-base properties of phenol Phenol has resonance Phenol’s resonance makes it more acidic than similar compounds without resonance. Do all of these resonance structures make equal contributions? Why or why not? minor: major: mmiinonor: r: C O is CC is charged charged cchaharrggeedd Try this Draw the conjugate base of 2-napthol (the major resonance contributor), and on your drawing indicate with arrows all of the atoms to which the negative charge can be delocalized ...
phenols phenol catechol resorcinol aromatic Physical state catechol resorcinol phenol Solid state Gray fine Puffy flaky White color powder crystal Phenolic odor odor Ignition test catechol resorcinol phenol √ √ √ inflammability √ √ √ luminous √ √ √ smoky melting Apperance change No change Color change No change Odor change No residue residue solubility All soluble in water and they can convert the blue litmus paper to red that means All acids→ acidic by Na2CO3 * all neutral PRELIMINARY ...
Peptone Media with Phenol Red IndicatorPeptone media with phenol red indicator. From left to right: uninoculated tube, glucose fermenter (Escherichia coli) with gas production (visible carbon dioxide bubble in the inverted Durham tube), glucose fermenter (Shigella sonnei) without gas production (no visible carbon dioxide bubble in the inverted Durham tube), nonfermenter (Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Pseudomonas aeruginosa does not ferment sugars leaving the red pH-indicating chemical in the medium unchanged from the control. Escherichia coli and Shigella sonnei are members of the ...
Introduction- • Phenols also called as phenolics are a class of chemical compounds consisting of a hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded directly to an aromatic hydrocarbon group. • The simplest of the class is phenol C H OH. 6 5 • Phenolic compounds are classified as simple phenols or polyphenols based on the number of phenol units in the molecule. • Phenols are synthesized industrially and produced by plants and micro organisms , with variation between and within species. PREPARATION OF PHENOLS ...
BAHAYA MEROKOK Rokok adalah produk yang berbahaya & adiktif (menimbulkan ketergantungan) karena didalam rokok terdapat 4000 bahan kimia berbahaya yang 69 diantaranya merupakan zat karsinogenik (dapat menimbulkan kanker). Zat-zat berbahaya yang terkandung didalam rokok antara lain : tar, karbon monoksida, sianida, arsen, formalin, nitrosamine dll. JENIS PEROKOK Perokok aktif Perokok aktif adalah orang yang mengkonsumsi rokok secara rutin dengan sekecil apapun, meskipun itu cuma 1 batang dalam sehari atau orang yang menghisap rokok walau tidak rutin sekalipun atau hanya ...
Uji kuantitatif DNA dengan spektrofotometri UV-Vis, DNA murni dapat menyerap cahaya ultraviolet karena keberadaan basa-basa purin dan pirimidin. Pita ganda DNA dapat menyerap cahaya UV pada 260 nm, sedang kontaminan protein atau phenol akan menyerap cahaya pada 280 nm. Sehingga kemurnian DNA dapat dukur dengan menghitung nilai absorbansi 260 nm dibagi dengan nilai absorbansi 280 (A260/A280), dan nilai kemurnian DNA berkisar antara 1.8-2.0. Uji Kuantitatif Uji Kuantitatif NanoDrop Serta untuk mengukur konsentrasi DNA digunakan rumus sebagai berikut: [DNA] ...