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1. All Natural Freebies Abound In Seattle
If you're an outdoors kind of person and really enjoy the sights and sounds of nature, or simply enjoy not being trapped inside a building all day, then Seattle Washington has plenty to offer you should you decide to visit. When planning your visit to Seattle, you will probably find that there are many things that appeal to you and it is quite difficult to narrow them down by interest alone.
This is the point when I divide activities into categories such as: things I really want to do, things that seem interesting, and things that will really just pass the time. Then, I take those things and do a reality (which translates to price) check. I try to justify the expenses of the things I really want to do that are more than I'd like to pay by sneaking in things I'd like to do equally as much for free. It's a great concept and works really well when giving children a choice of activities. Let them choose between two free activities. They still get a voice and feel as though they are an important part of the decision making process and you aren't spending $50 an hour for them to jump on a fancy trampoline.
2. Area Museums Educate And Entertain
If you love learning, and I hope you do, because once you stop learning, there really is no need to continue existing, then there will be plenty of museums in and around Seattle Washington that will feed the mind while entertaining you and your family. The vast number of museums in this area makes it a very interesting place to visit. There are museums here that cover everything from the Klondike Gold Rush to Log Houses and many, many things in between.
In addition to the two museums mentioned above there are several interesting museums to visit while in Seattle. The first one is the Museum of Flight. This is probably one of the museums that Seattle is most proud of. It is consistently voted one of, if not the best of its kind in the country. Learn about the history of flight and even take a ride in a flight simulator or tour the original Air Force One. No matter how you feel about flying, I'm almost certain that someone in your group (especially if there are any boys) will find this museum to be of great interest.
3. City Pass Offers Great Price For Popular Attractions
If you're planning a visit to Seattle Washington and will be spending a few days in town, you might seriously consider purchasing a city pass. This pass will allow you to experience several of the more popular attractions this great city has to offer at a fraction of their regular prices. It will also allow you daytime (6 am through 7 pm daily) transportation through the cities Metro system. This pass is good for nine days from its first use and provides you with several options for activities during your stay.
The first activity offered by these passes is a visit to the Museum of Flight. Watch in amazement as the history of flight comes to life right before your very eyes. From a tour of the original Air Force one to flight simulators of modern day jet flights this museum has a little bit to offer every kid, big and small, in your group. Enjoy the many exhibits and family activities that are available here and have fun exploring the history of flight both personal and military in out country. This is something I would recommend even if it weren't part of the pass and is well worth a visit.
4. Enjoying The Great Outdoors Without Breaking The Bank
Visiting Seattle Washington can be an infinitely fun experience. This experience can be magnified greatly if you find entertainment that is inexpensive of free. The good news is that this type of entertainment can be easily found in and around the Seattle area. The even better news is that I'm going to share some of the many great things you can do for free while visiting Seattle.
Some people tend to scoff at the ideas of freebies, and that is all well and good. Those people are perfectly willing to pay over inflated prices for their entertainment while I hope you will be wise enough to choose entertainment that doesn't come with quite as much sting. Believe me when I say, you do not always get what you pay for and the clichés are correct. You will probably find that many of the best things you find in Seattle are absolutely free.
5. National Parks Offer Great Appeal For Nature Lovers
When visiting Seattle Washington, it is probably quite impossible not to notice the beautiful scenery that surrounds this great town. I can think of few cities in America that are so strategically located to take advantage of the best of nature. Not only are the surroundings lovely, but the climate is also very mild for most of the year. The drawback for some is the rain as it rains about 50 percent of the time in this city. I suppose that I could sacrifice humidity and stifling high temperatures in exchange for a few rain showers, but that's just me.
It would seem that I am not the only one that has noticed the beauty that seems to surround the Seattle area as there are several national parks in these areas that are a sure sign someone else has noticed. In fact, that is what I'll be discussing. The national parks that are within easy driving distance of Seattle Washington. If you love nature, any of these parks has a great deal to offer and if you are really adventurous, you can try visiting them all (though I really feel you would be hard pressed to get the most out of your experience in a national park after just one day).
6. Rainy Day Back Up Plans Necessary For Seattle Travel
Visiting Seattle Washington is like walking into a refreshing spring rain. Well, it is about half of the year at any rate. The climate here is great for being outdoors as long as you don't mind getting a little wet. My recommendation is not to even bother with an umbrella, wear comfortable waterproof shoes, and hide your hair beneath a funky hat of some sort that will handle getting a little wet.
Whatever you do, don't let the rain spoil your good time. Rain is a fact of life in Seattle and most of the locals are quite accustomed to it. If it really does bother you, you may wish to plan an alternate indoor activity for every outdoor activity you are considering. The good news is that there are plenty of both to choose from so you really shouldn't ever run out of things to do while on vacation here.
7. Seattle Art Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder
If art is of interest to you, there is plenty to keep you occupied during your visit to Seattle, Washington. From small galleries to big museums and places where you can create art of your very own, there is a little something that will appeal to almost any art lover.
I could begin by telling you about the various art museums in the area, but I think that is how I will end. I would first like to tell you about some shops that offer unique experiences with art and the processes of creating art. The first of these called Art By Fire. This unique little shop not only displays the artwork of artists but also offers classes in Glass Blowing. The classes are probably not a good choice for those vacationing as they meet once a week for four weeks and each lesson is four hours long. But, regardless of whether you are planning an extended stay or just curious about the offerings, there is great glass artwork to be seen here and I hope you will take me up on my suggestion that you stop by. They also offer bead making classes that are far less intensive and only require two nights effort (usually consecutive nights) that may be of interest to you as well.
8. Seattle Center Is An Event Unto Itself
Seattle Center is the heartbeat of modern day Seattle and a must see for anyone visiting the Seattle Washington area. It is perhaps one of the most famous places in Seattle if for nothing else, for the Space Needle that is housed here. The Space Needle is one of if not the most easily recognized landmarks in the U.S. Northwest.
The Seattle Center has evolved over time and now hosts many cultural aspects of Seattle City life. Among these cultural centers is McCaw Hall, which is the home of the Seattle Opera and the Pacific Northwest Ballet. In addition to these establishments, Seattle Circle is also home to several theatres. Among them are: the Bagley-Wright Theatre, Leo Kreielsheimer Theatre, Poncho Theatre, and the Intiman Playhouse.
9. Seattle Freebies Offer Cultural Significance
Seattle Washington is a great place to visit for many reasons. Whether you are a nature lover or more into the things that define a civilization such as shopping malls, museums, and one Starbucks, Seattle has a little bit of everything to offer its visitors. In fact, visitors could quite easily find that they have done and spent all that they should have rather early in their travel time if they aren't careful.
Below you will find a few great things to do on your trip that won't require robbing the children's college fund in order to pay for. I'm all for paying good money for good fun, but if I can find good fun for free, that means there's more money left for things that would have otherwise been off limits because of prohibitive costs. So go ahead and plan the dinner train, you can make up the cost by eating breakfast from a box two mornings in a row or spending an afternoon in one of Seattle's many great parks.
10. Seattle Laughter Is Good Medicine
It is said that laughter really is the best medicine. If that is the case then Seattle should be a pretty healthy city. There is plenty of laughter to be had in this great city and even more to be shared with those who choose to visit. If you are planning a trip to Seattle Washington, be sure to check out the many comedy clubs that can be found throughout the city.
There are at least three of these comedy clubs that stand out and make a lasting impression. The first one is Comedy Underground. With locations in both Seattle and Tacoma you can pretty much take your pick between whichever one has the comedian you are most interested in seeing perform. The clubs actually have a fairly impressive menu and you are allowed to eat during the show. Just make sure that your food doesn't smell too good or the comedian might heckle you. The really good news is that Comedy Underground is open 7 nights a week with several open mic nights when you can see local talent. Those are often the most interesting to watch. Tickets can be purchased for reasonable prices; especially during open mic nights and the performances are a lot of fun to watch. This is a great way to spend an evening and bring a date.
11. Seattle Vineyards Are Making A Name For Themselves
Visiting Seattle Washington is a great way to get in touch with your inner explorer. Not only can you get out and explore mountains, prairies, streams, rivers, and oceans, but you can also explore the city streets that make this city what it has become. With so many things to do and places to go it seems impossible really to entertain the idea of sleep. Who has time for mundane activities such as that when there is a world of knowledge and beauty to explore right outside your hotel doors?
For those among us who have a difficult time unwinding after a day spent shopping, hiking, biking, boating, whale watching, and sight seeing, perhaps you should consider a wine tasting before bed. This is a great way to relax and unwind. You may even find a new favorite among the wines that you are being exposed to. While many people think of California as wine country, Washington State has shown itself to be an impressive home for wine making as well. Of course you aren't looking to get tipsy, just relaxed enough that sleep can find you after a very exciting day.
12. Seattle Washington Wildlife
If you truly love the outdoors and all things that belong to nature then Seattle Washington is really a great place for you to visit. With the climate, the terrain, and the beautiful surroundings, this city truly has the best of most worlds. Mountains, volcanoes, trees, sand, and sea can all be found in and around this truly unique city.
In addition to the great scenery that abounds, there are many places you can go to get a better view of the local wildlife. This is, after all, an integral part of nature and the little ones that you've brought along (if you've brought little ones along) will thoroughly enjoy seeing all of the animals.
13. Seattle Washington In A Glance
If you've never experienced Seattle, Washington, now is as good a time as any to do so. Maybe now is the best time ever for a nice visit to Seattle. Whatever your interests, there is sure to be something here that you will find appealing. From the great cultural centers to the fabulous sporting events and the wonderfully mild climate, Seattle is a great place to visit.
In addition to the wonderful climate, there are plenty of indoor and outdoor activities that should keep you, and anyone traveling with you busy for quite some time. The biggest problem I foresee is finding there is too much to do and too little time in which to do it all. Such is the bane of vacations. Seattle is a town that has natural beauty and is surrounded not only by water, but by beautiful countryside as well. The views all around are nothing short of spectacular and I'm sure that you will find plenty to do to keep everyone in your party entertained and happy.
14. Seattle For Romance
If you are looking for a romantic getaway, look no further than Seattle Washington for your next vacation. There are so many wonderfully romantic things to do in this wonderful city and it rains literally half the time, which provides an excellent excuse for cuddling beneath an umbrella. Even those who are romantically challenged would be hard pressed not to find something romantic to do in this great city.
If you are at a complete loss as to where you should start, start by holding hands. Then you can hold hands all the way through the Woodland Park Rose Garden. Admission to the garden is free and scents and scenery are quite romantic, especially if your date is a flower lover. If he or she is not, then there are many other options so don't despair.
15. Seattle Has Strong Theatrical Bonds
If you love the theatre, and by love I mean a deep and abiding love for old and new alike, film and stage, then visiting Seattle might be a great idea for you and your vacation needs. Seattle has so much to offer the theatre buff that it is really frightening that one little town (well not so little really) that far west of New York could support the theatrical community that this city has.
Below I will provide a small sampling of the many theatres that abound in this great city. First of all there's the 5th Avenue Theatre. With a tradition of vaudeville and silent films this theatre with an interior inspired by Beijing's Forbidden City, the 5th Avenue Theatre is Seattle's Premier Showplace. One of the great things about this theatre is that throughout the year they hold behind the scenes spotlight nights where they tell a little bit about the magic of theatre or the story behind the stories they are performing. These spotlight nights are free of charge and very well received. I highly recommend attending one of these if you have the opportunity.
16. Seattle's Rich Train History Brings Out The Inner Child In Us All
Boys and girls of all ages love trains and trains have played a vital role in the history of this country and Seattle Washington and the Northwest in particular. In fact, the roles of trains on this part of the country have in the past been so vital that there are a few museums dedicated to that very important mode of transportation. Trains were essentially lifelines for the populations here for many years. While their importance seems to be diminishing in today's society, their importance throughout the history of our country remains.
If you truly are a train lover, then it shouldn't be difficult to talk you into stopping by Seattle's Train Center before and after touring the museums dedicated to trains and their importance in history. The Train Center offers a wide selection of model train parts and pieces that would make excellent additions to your collection or a great beginning to a collection for you or your little one.
17. Seattles Intriguing History Leaves Lasting Impression On Visitors
Seattle, Washington has a great deal to offer its discerning visitors. From the ordinary and mundane to the out and out macabre, you will see it all while visiting Seattle, Washington, if, that is, you know where to look for them. Seattle has a rich history and it seems an even richer future. Nestled among some of the most beautiful countryside North America has to offer, this great city has the best of most worlds-a very mild climate, access to water, land, mountains, fields, and streams. Seattle is like every patriotic song you can imagine and in the middle of it all Seattle is a bustling metropolis.
If you are planning to visit Seattle, I have one word of warning for you. You will probably want to stay. That is of course, if you aren't too worried by rain. The only real drawback I can see for living in Seattle is that your skin will have a difficult time getting that sun kissed glow that summer brings almost everywhere else in America. But I think I could sacrifice sweltering heat and sticky humidity in exchange for a little rain. In fact, I would welcome a little rain right now; it might actually cool things off.
18. Seattles Maritime History Plays Important Role In Its Current Culture
Seattle Washington is nearly surrounded by water. It is no wonder that water has played a vital role in the history of this great city. Water has also been a serious draws for those choosing to visit Seattle Washington as well. Not only is water of historical significance to this city, it is a cultural phenomenon as well. The maritime traditions of this great city are an important part of its current greatness.
If you are planning a visit to Seattle, one of the very first things you should do is head on over to the Pioneer Square Historic District and take the Underground Tour. This tour will explain to you a significant point in history about the relationship of this city and water. Take a tour of an entire section of the city that was literally buried in order to avoid plumbing problems. Find out where the term Skid Road originated and laugh along as you hear great stories about the colorful history of this part of town.
19. Seeing Seattle Through The Eyes Of A Child
If you are planning to visit Seattle Washington any time in the near future I hope you are either bringing along your children, or the child in you at the very least. Why you ask? Well, the answer to that is simple, because there are so many fun things for children to do in Seattle.
In addition to the many parks spread throughout the city, and by that, I mean that Seattle has several extraordinary parks. Among those great parks are: Alki Playfield, Cal Anderson Park (which boasts a wading pool and a gigantic chess set), Cascade Playground (which features free music Fridays from noon until 2:00), Discovery Park, and Woodland Park. But parks and playgrounds are just a start. Seattle really has so much more to offer than just this.
20. Small Shops And Centers Make Great Stops Along The Way
Now we've come to my favorite pastime: shopping. I really couldn't resist the opportunity to talk about the awesome stores, malls, and shopping centers that abound in Seattle Washington. The shopping alone is enough to garner a visit in my opinion, even without the many other wonderful things that this city has to offer.
Whether your shopping interests lie in art, clothing, shoes, chocolates, or wines there is plenty here to keep you busy for quite some time. Just keep in mind that you will either need room in your luggage or to ship your new purchases home. There are also weight restrictions for luggage if you are flying so you want to be careful about how much you plan to bring with you. A good thing to find before your shopping trip would be a UPS Store or a Mailboxes Etc from which you can ship your purchases home.
21. State Parks Offer Intriguing Options For Travelers
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22. The Grown Up Side Of Seattle
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23. The Profound Effect Of The Past On The Present Make Seattle Great
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24. The Road Less Traveled In Seattle
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25. Tours Offer Unique Glimpses Of Seattle
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