course outcomes at the end of the course students will be able to recall the technical scientific terms involved in pollution understand the causes and effects of air pollution understand ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Course outcomes at the end of students will be able to recall technical scientific terms involved in pollution understand causes and effects air sources types water describe quality parameters know soil noise thermal radioactive pollutions their study various control measures basics green chemistry module i introduction environment environmental hrs segments lithosphere components soils hydrosphere resources biosphere atmosphere regions troposphere stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere concepts definition pollutant contaminant receptor sink classification pollutants global regional local persistent non ii tropospheric gaseous hydrocarbons oxides sulphur nitrogen carbon warming house effect acid rain particulates smog london photochemical stratospheric depletion ozone layer chlorofluorocarbons automobile alternate refrigerants bhopal tragedy a brief indian cities delhi agra kanpur iii impurities cause natural anthropogenic marine underground source industrial waste municipal agricultural...