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picture1_Chemical Bonding Ppt 72278 | Regents Bonding

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File: Chemical Bonding Ppt 72278 | Regents Bonding
chemical bond a force that holds groups of 2 or more atoms together to make them function as a unit why atoms form bonds to obtain a noble gas configuration ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chemical bond a force that holds groups of or more atoms together to make them function as unit why form bonds obtain noble gas configuration octet rule need have valence electrons types metallic specific only metals ionic results from transfer covalent sharing coordinate when one atom provides both the shared pair bonding occurs between like metal in free state e are mobile move freely among all positive ions sea characteristics high mp temps ductile malleable shiny hard substances good conductors heat and electricity s l it is allow conduct...

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