pure substance m the schematic temperature dependence of curvature the chemical potential of the solid liquid l a and gas phases of a substance i t solid n in reality ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Pure substance m the schematic temperature dependence of curvature chemical potential solid liquid l a and gas phases i t n in reality lines are curved e o p phase with lowest poten c tial at specified is most sta ble h transition temperatures melting boiling tempera tures which potentials stable two equal f b http bp snu ac kr figure critical general regions pressure point where or that has r u s triple low high pressures vapor uniform equilibrium exerted by con v atom densed sublimation tc its when heated sealed tainer density creases decreases slightly there comes stage densities interface be tween fluids disappears this disap pearance occurs ture container needs to strong water going up then atm diagram for carbon dioxide as lies well above atmospheric does not exist under normal conditions least must applied dry ice...