File: Physical And Chemical Changes Ppt 72159 | 2 Physical And Chemical Changes No Video
physical changes physical change the substance involved remains the same even though it may change state or form examples dissolving stirring a spoonful of sugar in water melting an ice ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Physical changes change the substance involved remains same even though it may state or form examples dissolving stirring a spoonful of sugar in water melting an ice cube melts freezing dripping warm chocolate onto cream hardens most are easy to reverse but not all video chemical original is changed into one more different substances that have properties burning campfire cooking baking cake frying egg rusting old truck nail left on ground very difficult clues has occurred new formed color appears energy heat light given off bubbles gas being precipitate solid material inside solution forms sample always involve production ex h o ho liquid reactants side products right c co carbon dioxide propane...