File: Chemical Kinetics Ppt 72144 | Chemistry Chemical Kinetics
there are two basic questions for a chemical reaction i how far the reaction proceeds and ii how fast does it proceed answer to the question i is in the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...There are two basic questions for a chemical reaction i how far the proceeds and ii fast does it proceed answer to question is in equilibrium will be given chapter of kinetics depending on velocity can classified into following three classes very high e g explosion precipitation etc generally they completed within fraction second b slow we simply do not measure rate as our life so long one hundred fifty years required formation drop water from h o at ordinary temperature without catalyst c moderate study type utility know mechanism reactions out number proposed correct selected amount reactant disappearing or product appearing per unit time with respect minus sign used because concentration reactants decreases involving different stoichiometric coefficients products aa bb xx yy therefore disappearance...