File: Chemical Kinetics Ppt 72142 | Chapter 14 Chemical Kinetics
14 1 chemical kinetics study of how rapidly a reaction will occur in addition to speed of reaction kinetics also deals with the reaction mechanism exactly how the reaction occurs ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chemical kinetics study of how rapidly a reaction will occur in addition to speed also deals with the mechanism exactly occurs factors that affect rate concentration reactants more particles means frequent effective collisions temperature higher temps molecules have ke are moving faster and likely collide catalyst speeds up by changing not consumed physical state phase surface area for solids greater sa change or products over time can be expressed as decomposition production what is average st nd seconds mol sec appearance b o equation showing ratio into mathematical expressions reactions n h nh g if you want compare rates using different substances use mole ratios always positive usually measured m s under certain conditions formation indicate disappearance each reactant related product so t disappear appear at twice...