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picture1_Ppt On Fractions 72106 | 4   Petroleum And Chemical Bonding

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File: Ppt On Fractions 72106 | 4 Petroleum And Chemical Bonding
a 3 petroleum refining crude oil is a mixture of many components refining does not separate each compound refining produces several distinct mixtures fractions distinctive mixtures produced by large scale ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...A petroleum refining crude oil is mixture of many components does not separate each compound produces several distinct mixtures fractions distinctive produced by large scale range properties in will have uses fractional distillation process very tall columns vaporized molecules continue upwards column the higher it gets more condense as temperature cools at top only lightest remain vapor heavy stay bottom temperatures cannot get high enough to boil they are called bottoms examining s intermolecular forces attraction between gases weak allow readily from other gas contain compounds with low boiling points...

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