interest rates high interest rates could deter you from buying a house or a car because the cost of financing it would be high conversely high interest rates could encourage ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Interest rates high could deter you from buying a house or car because the cost of financing it would be conversely encourage to save can earn more income by saving might cause corporation postpone building new plant that provide jobs is important explain fluctuations in have been substantial over past years stock market share ownership claim on earnings and assets issuing selling public way for corporations raise funds finance their activities most widely followed financial almost every country big swing prices shares always major story evening news people often speculate where heading place get rich poor quickly these considerable affect size s wealth as result may willingness spend an factor business investment decisions affects amount raised newly issued spending higher price means raising larger are extremely volatile evident figures foreign exchange transferred one another they converted this conversion takes so instrumental moving between countries also rate currency terms deter...