ifrs 16 leases the accounting treatment of leases recognition measurement presentation disclosure ifrs 16 leases recognition a lease contract conveys the right of the lessee to control the use of ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ifrs leases the accounting treatment of recognition measurement presentation disclosure a lease contract conveys right lessee to control use an identifiable asset for period time in exchange consideration essentially removes distinction between finance and hire purchase contracts ias v also operating st periods commencing after january all must be capitalised statements there are possible exemptions where is maximum term months or less has value than around under many companies treated as therefore did not capitalise either liability this made it difficult compare that used different types agreements have similar assets from interpretation point view company using means would appear poorer current ratio acid test gearing acquire eliminates problem ast lessors same interest can accounted fair sum digits method been retained here asp changed reflect fact buyer paying only one instalment first year...