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picture1_Company Presentation Templates 71935 | Ch4 Item Download 2022-08-31 05-43-02

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File: Company Presentation Templates 71935 | Ch4 Item Download 2022-08-31 05-43-02
ratios are an analyst s microscope they allow us get a better view of the firm s financial health than just looking at the raw financial statements ratios are useful ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ratios are an analyst s microscope they allow us get a better view of the firm financial health than just looking at raw statements useful both to internal and external analysts purposes can be in planning for future setting goals evaluating performance managers use decide whether grant credit monitor forecast invest company categories liquidity describe ability meets its current obligations efficiency how well is using investment assets produce sales leverage reveal degree which debt has been used finance asset purchases coverage similar that pay certain expenses profitability provide indications profitable over period time term refers speed with converted into cash without large discounts value some such as accounts receivable easily only small other buildings very quickly if price concessions given we therefore say more liquid all things being equal will able meet maturing i e bills fewer ratio generally g collecting on receivables or selling inventories this retire liabilities high...

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