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picture1_Business Ppt Templates 71762 | Tajikistan1

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File: Business Ppt Templates 71762 | Tajikistan1
curriculum vitae associate professor rifki ismal education and title bachelor degree in economics university of indonesia master in applied economics department of economics university of michigan ann arbor usa phd ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Curriculum vitae associate professor rifki ismal education and title bachelor degree in economics university of indonesia master applied department michigan ann arbor usa phd islamic finance durham england australian center for assistant director at banking bank central lecturer trisakti paramadina strasbourg france day one introduction what is islam aqidah the core relationship between man creator sharia akhlaq transformation manifestation ibadat muamalat into actions behavior others economic attitude work ethics a contracts human way business people worship their transactions god interact with terms non activities short history pre arab traditions trade based economy south north links ka bah was most respected legal illegal practices wars competition among tribes law tradition complied jurisprudence life prophet approved by companions imam mahzab school thought etc baitul maal fiscal policy classic arabic mudarabah riba jahiliah musharakah al fadhl murabahah an nasyiah salam talaqi r...

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