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50 IdentityArticles Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 22 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 50 txt files containing articles about IdentityArticles. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. What Are The Effects Of Identity Theft In An Organization
..... If identity theft can cause so much trouble for an individual, it can also cause the same kind of trouble to companies or organizations. It seems that people have found a gold mine in stealing other peoples’ information to use for their own personal gain. And since there are a lot of benefits gained from this, there is no stopping anyone from doing it more and more. .....


2. Articles Concerning Identity Theft
..... Are you aware of identity theft and the danger it can bring to your life if you become one of its victims? Perhaps not yet. Do not think that your innocence regarding identity thefts subtle workings is a protection from being violated. Identity theft is a malicious and vicious crime wave nowadays. It is but necessary that you be properly informed of its machinations and implication. You also need to be kept up to date of recent events and cases pertaining to such crime. Being informed and up to date is a step to prevent being attacked or being a victim of this crime. .....


3. Bank Identity Theft
..... Ever wonder how identity theft occurs? It is actually quite fascinating, if it is not a very malicious and dangerous crime. Identity theft occurs once a thief assumes another person’s identity by using confidential information supposed to be known exclusively by that person. The thief will commit fraud using the person's name and important confidential information without the victim ever knowing about such transactions. .....


4. Case Law Identity Theft
..... Are you aware of the present notorious crime in the United States of America and Canada? Until the present time, no other crime can be carried out with maniacal cruelty and audacity than identity theft. It is now the fastest growing crime in America. In 2002, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports that 43% of all fraud complaints they received are actually identity theft. By 2003, identity theft cases and incidents have already reached 9.9 million. .....


5. Check Credit Report Identity Theft
..... All of us know the importance of credit report in our lives. Our credit report show our personal information such as your legal name, alias names, addresses, current and previous employers, and date of birth. We also have that credit report summary showing the following: .....


6. Computer Identity Theft
..... Identity theft is considered as a huge problem in our society. Since everyday, there is an increase in the number of user of internet and most people consider computer as a big part of their lives, there is also an increase of cases of identity theft. Individuals who are new in using the internet sometimes become to victim to computer identity theft systems. In most cases, the person involved in the identity theft systems uses your credit cards to buy supplies and merchandise for themselves. .....


7. Corporate Identity Theft
..... The maniacal cruelty and audacity of identity theft criminals have now reached into the corporate world of business companies. In November 2005, the corporate identity theft crime wave reached the UK businesses. According to brief reports last November, the corporate identity theft cost UK businesses up to £50M a year. Why? What is the modus operandi of these corporate identity thieves? Actually, it has been going on for years now. .....


8. Criminal Identity Theft
..... Being mistaken for someone else can be very hazardous. It can actually get you punished for something you never did. A couple of situations have already cropped up when someone else in a course of a criminal act uses another persons identity. Many criminals have had the ability to get crucial and vital information, such as social security number, addresses, credit card numbers, bank accounts, birth certificates and etcetera to commit crimes. .....


9. Define Identity Theft
..... It was already late at night and you were walking down the street alone. The wind is blowing briskly through the tall buildings you are passing by. Then, a person appears, out of nowhere. He/she proceeded to run by you and knocking you over, made a grab for your wallet and disappeared through a corner. It could be a scene from a movie, only it happened! However, this type of stealing, person-to-person, may well exists in movies exclusively for the next years to come. .....


10. History Of Identity Theft
..... Forget guns and violence. Being a criminal nowadays is a matter of getting the right information without being found that and uses that to your advantage. That is how the identity theft process work. Identity theft is a crime wherein another person obtains and uses another person's personal data for purposes of fraud or deception. But the main purpose is for gaining money and finances to avail of goods or services. .....


11. How To Avoid Identity Theft
..... Picture this, you are browsing through your mail, you get your bills and you didn’t count on seeing your credit card bill with a five-figure charge. Its bad enough that you get charged for purchases you didn’t do, you also get slapped with a bad credit rating that will certainly jack up all your credit rates. Aside from that, the legitimate card holder can also suffer from different consequences. The credit account can be transferred to fraudulent individuals or corporations and the savings data will leak permanently. Important information like credit card password and numbers are also stolen. Client’s confidentiality can also be changed by the impersonator. Worse, the social security of a person may be used for different criminal acts. .....


12. How To Prevent Identity Theft
..... Have you constantly been hearing reports about identity theft crimes? Do you have any idea about what identity theft is? What is Identity Theft? .....


13. Identity Theft
..... How will you feel if you will be arrested for a crime that you have now committed? How will you feel if you will be receiving a call from one of your creditors and telling you to pay your credit amounting to a particular amount, whereas you do not even use your credit card yet for that particular month? Maybe you will answer those questions when you become a victim of identity theft. .....


14. Identity Theft And Assumption Deterrence Act
..... Terry Rogan was seized five times for allegedly committing robbery and murder that he did not commit. His problem began in 1982 when a certain convict named McKandes break out from the Alabama State Prison. Unfortunately, this man happened to have a copy of Terry Rogan’s birth certificate. Eventually, McKandes was able to obtain a driver’s license and other identifying documents in Rogan’s name. He was still using Rogan’s identity when he committed a robbery and a murder on the same year. An arrest warrant was issued for Rogan’s arrest and information pertaining to him was placed into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). A national criminal information database alerts all police department in the United States on outstanding warrants. .....


15. Identity Theft And Fraud
..... Any form of theft is a violation to the law. It causes infringement to the right of an individual, an organization or even a group of companies. Moreover, for every violation there is a corresponding sanction. Majority of the people are aware about it. However, only few can understand regarding this matter. There is a necessity for clarification because it can bring so much impact to several aspects of both the business and the group of individuals concerned. .....


16. Identity Theft And Fraud Alert
..... One thing you can be proud of always is your self-identity -- your individual difference among other persons. It reflects your whole being and your personality in general. It also shows your uniqueness with other people. It is something that cannot be stolen from you. However, don’t you know that nowadays other people can steal your personal identity already? .....


17. Identity Theft Commercial
..... You wake up one lovely morning and you tell yourself that it is going to be a great day. As you walk towards the kitchen to cook a luscious breakfast, the phone rang. With a smile pasted on your face, you said one of the sweetest hello you have ever uttered your whole life, only to find out from an alert employee whom you are speaking with on the other line that you are near insolvency. .....


18. Identity Theft Commercials
..... You may have laughed off at the absurdity that is shown in identity theft commercials. But they should be not something to laugh about. Some commercials may have even touched or scared you. But the most effective identity commercials are those that make people wary whenever they go out or use their credit cards. .....


19. Identity Theft Court Cases
..... There was a time in the world history when people were contented with typewriters. Sure, there were reports of robberies and hold-ups, but there were few reports of identity theft frauds, which is totally a different kind of mettle. It is more malicious and notorious type of crime. Identity theft is more like an operation of a cruel maniac, bent on destruction under a cloud of anonymity. Now, there are thousands – actually, millions of reports each year about identity theft cases. As modern technology further enhances, what with the Internet and all the other electronic devices for commercial and financial processing, identity thieves found it easier to get hold of confidential information. .....


20. Identity Theft Fraud Gov
..... Nothing will prevent you from being an identity theft fraud victim. These criminals can easily commit identity because of the careless information-handling processes in the workplace, lenient credit industry practices, and the effortlessness of getting SSNs. However, you can lessen your risk of fraud by following some simple steps. Consider them so you will not find yourself in the middle of an identity theft fraud. .....


21. Identity Theft Insurance
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22. Identity Theft Law
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23. Identity Theft Online
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24. Identity Theft Prevention
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25. Identity Theft Prevention Protection
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26. Identity Theft Protection
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27. Identity Theft Protection Information
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28. Identity Theft Reporting
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29. Identity Theft Resource Center
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30. Identity Theft Scams
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31. Identity Theft Shield
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32. Identity Theft Solution
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33. Identity Theft Statistics
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34. Identity Theft Stolen Checks
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35. Identity Theft Stories
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36. Identity Theft Victims
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37. Identity Theft Video
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38. Information On Identity Theft
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39. Internet Identity Theft
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40. Online Identity Theft
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41. Prevent Identity Theft
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42. Preventing Identity Theft
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43. Protection From Identity Theft
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44. Protection Identity Theft
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45. Report Identity Theft
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46. Reporting Identity Theft
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47. Stop Identity Theft
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48. Victims Of Identity Theft
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49. Ways To Prevent Identity Theft
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50. What Is Identity Theft
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