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picture1_Quality Assurance Ppt 71635 | Etics Wp1 Status

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File: Quality Assurance Ppt 71635 | Etics Wp1 Status
staffing staffing is complete staffing is complete alberto di meglio 30 unfunded alberto di meglio 30 unfunded karin burghauser 25 funded karin burghauser 25 funded contributions from other partners as ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Staffing is complete alberto di meglio unfunded karin burghauser funded contributions from other partners as required to manage the consortium q effort consumption unofficial wp data total budgeted f uf consumed infsom ri nd all hands meeting bologna deliverables one deliverable at pm project quality assurance and progress tracking plan submitted ec on time next this year d first report quarterly reports qr produced in issues main issue amount of extra work that still has do track late or missing timesheets item may be due fact were initially unfamiliar with ppt tool had get accounts cern but it should go away requires leaders collaboration solve please start preparing if a september not writing rd october for allow enough internal revision before submitting pmb metrics overall service adoption u tasks cost been made available only recently consolidated submission...

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