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picture1_Writing Ppt 71589 | Newswriting 3

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File: Writing Ppt 71589 | Newswriting 3
welcome journalism is a skill and practice that takes years to master however everyone must start at the beginning for this mini course that is exactly where we will begin ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Welcome journalism is a skill and practice that takes years to master however everyone must start at the beginning for this mini course exactly where we will begin teach you basic building bocks of news writing includes leads story structures navigation select button any time move back previous slide main menu forward next lesson quiz whether re newspaper journalist lawyer doctor have organize your thoughts frederick wiseman first identify point before write it good always asks so what or s about my when considering gathered information lead opens piece other than headline only chance catch reader attention...

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