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picture1_Biology Ppt 71535 | Biology Curriculum Adventure

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File: Biology Ppt 71535 | Biology Curriculum Adventure
the way we were content focus biol21 biol22 biol23 biol24 biol25 lec lec lab int lec lab int breadth disc disc disc little scaffolding 7 ud courses 5 with lab ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The way we were content focus biol lec lab int breadth disc little scaffolding ud courses with in emphasis d e p t h biomedical cell molecular ecology and evolution problems too much to cover lower division lack of due increase divsersity life science majors put nearly all pressure for skillsand competancies one course uneven student distribution emphases led oversubscribed classes biomed cancelling eco evo marginalizes faculty certain areas curriculum reinforces a model biology from th century siloed rather than modern synthesis molecules ecosystems cross diciplinary inflexible what did are doing started program review years ago followed revewers advice focused on best practices recent innovations spent lot time together small often large groups iterating our ideas new used different approaches making people feel heard comfortable change resources figuring out assessment ruscetti voted lock decisions place throughout process piloted ibe sabatier vision undergraduate education core con...

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