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picture1_Biology Ppt 71499 | Welcome To Ap Biology 2014 15

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File: Biology Ppt 71499 | Welcome To Ap Biology 2014 15
new curriculum focus on 4 big ideas in biology 1 the process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life 2 biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...New curriculum focus on big ideas in biology the process of evolution drives diversity and unity life biological systems utilize free energy molecular building blocks to grow reproduce maintain dynamic homeostasis living store retrieve transmit respond information essential processes interact these their interactions possess complex properties science practices student can use representations models communicate scientific phenomena solve problems mathematics appropriately engage questioning extend thinking or guide investigations within context ap course plan implement data collection strategies appropriate a particular question continued perform analysis evaluation evidence work with explanations theories is able connect relate knowledge across various scales concepts domains inquiry laboratory experiences class required be spent lab many labs have multiple components one which will do minimum two bio per idea experience small groups people each person log book purchased at staples fo...

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