plants what makes a plant a plant plants are eukaryotic plants have cell walls plants make their own energy through photosynthesis what other characteristics can you recall what plants need ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Plants what makes a plant are eukaryotic have cell walls make their own energy through photosynthesis other characteristics can you recall need to survive sunlight water co oxygen nutrient and movement distribution flowering mosses ferns st qtr cone bearing types of i seedless nonvascular bryophytes lack tissue move sap throughout the small short that most live in moist environment liverworts hornworts cont d ii vascular subdivisions horsetails clubmosses sperm travels reach egg two seed gymnosperms naked seeds conifers cycads ginkos male cones release pollen spring which is spread by wind female sticky fluid capture overtime burrows into s ovule fertilize eventually falls turns conifer tree...