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picture1_Bio Powerpoint Presentation 71356 | Biomimicry Complexsystems

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File: Bio Powerpoint Presentation 71356 | Biomimicry Complexsystems
outline challenges in future wireless networks bio inspired networking example 1 ant colony example 2 immune system complex networks network measures network models phenomena in complex networks dynamical processes on ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline challenges in future wireless networks bio inspired networking example ant colony immune system complex network measures models phenomena dynamical processes on further research topics scalability by there will be trillion devices e g cell phone laptop health safety care sensors adaptation dynamic condition and diverse user dema nd resilience robust to failure malfunction of nodes intru ders biomimicry studies designs nature then mimics them order solve human problems a number principles mechanisms lar ge scale biological systems self organization patterns emerge regulated f eedback loops without existence leader autonomous actions based local information int eraction distributed computing with simple rule thumb birth death as expected events equi p regulation natural selection evolution optimal solution some sense special issue published ieee jsac quarter math model diff eq observatio algorithm prob entities n verbal establishm methods mapping description ent fuzzy logic verif...

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