Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
Download free financial forecasting ppt files. As a reference file related to the financial planning and forecasting ppt.
Discussion topics 1. Overview of the Financial Management Reporting Framework (FMRF) project 2. Purpose of the new reports 3. What reports are available and key features 4. Future updates to expect 5. Security & access 6. User support 7. FMRF – what’s next? 8. Demo 2 Overview of FMRF project “This project seeks to improve the financial management reporting of ANU by: 1. Aligning the current budgeting and forecasting processes to a consistent framework across the University, using the enterprise tool TM1; 2. Developing a suite of new financial management reports, providing a platform for future developments ...
Manajemen perusahaan swasta, pemerintah dan organisasi lain serta perusahaan manufaktur dan perusahaan jasa beroperasi dalam kondisi tidak pasti atau menghadapi risiko. Salah satu fungsi yang penting dalam perusahaan adalah FORECASTING (PERAMALAN). Ramalan adalah titik awal untuk perencanaan. Tujuan peramalan adalah mengurangi risiko dalam pengambilan keputusan. Dalam perusahaan, ramalan merupakan dasr untuk capacity planning, production and inventory planning, manpower planning, planning for sales and market share, financial planning and budgeting, planning for research and development and top management's strategic planning. Ramalan penjualan menjadi aspek yang penting dalam kegiatan manajemen keuangan termasuk anggaran, profit planning, capital expenditure analysis, and acquisition and ...