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picture1_Financial Presentation Template 71275 | Ppt Ueu Akuntansi Internasional Pertemuan 9

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File: Financial Presentation Template 71275 | Ppt Ueu Akuntansi Internasional Pertemuan 9
analysis of foreign financial statements chapter topics reasons for analyzing foreign financial statements problems encountered in analyzing foreign financial statements possible solutions to problems encountered in analyzing foreign financial statements ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Analysis of foreign financial statements chapter topics reasons for analyzing problems encountered in possible solutions to restating u s gaap illustrated learning objectives discuss analyze companies describe potential provide associated with demonstrate an approach generally accepted accounting principles portfolio investment investors can diversify away some risk by investing internationally while stock returns many countries are positively correlated these correlations far from perfect international including managers mutual fund rely on objective mergers and acquisitions the frequency size corporate has increased recent years examples include daimler chrysler ford motor such as volvo sweden purchaser company needs target determine acquisition price other extending credit customers evaluating vendors comparisons competitors...

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