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picture1_Financial Management Ppt 71203 | Riskmanagement Rizwanchughtai

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File: Financial Management Ppt 71203 | Riskmanagement Rizwanchughtai
risk exposure arising from business activities need to effectively manage because of potential business losses ensure business continuity wider and or complex risk requires more prudent management risk appetite determines ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Risk exposure arising from business activities need to effectively manage because of potential losses ensure continuity wider and or complex requires more prudent management appetite determines optimize reward trade off rather than minimize eliminate taking is inherent activity but neither engage in with unnecessary nor absorb that can be transferred regulatory case vs strategic level encompasses senior bod macro within a area across lines micro on the line have properly structured rm introduced bsd circular issued enable financial institutions establish their own procedures provide an overview actions not intended detail every control procedure flexible adaptable size complexity areas covered credit market liquidity operational certain basic principles for applicable all irrespective...

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