l h m legend critical high moderate low top risks reported as of feb 26 2021 c risk risk description mitigating actions submitted by dg risk owner s level risk ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...L h m legend critical high moderate low top risks reported as of feb c risk description mitigating actions submitted by dg owner s level date security for activities are scheduled to begin in march colleges ctclink pmo tara keen need key college administrators participate and focused on the pms learning adoption ps be engaged this progress provide oversight all deliverables per timeline through prior deployment group lessons learned work begins months go live providing longest time frame engage additional resources have been added canvas training content project team will a basic walk google sheets before they dive workbooks new discussed with during weekly meeting data conversion cycle validation early we concerned about staff having knowledge complete activity within mitigation bellevue payroll supporting three implementations continuing benjamin st sanjiv bhagat shared process legacy could cause resource strain lost effectiveness germain skagit pm hcm pillar current status update ap...