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picture1_Education Ppt 71110 | Block Task Force Good Governance 10 11dec V3 Final

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File: Education Ppt 71110 | Block Task Force Good Governance 10 11dec V3 Final
block task force gadchiroli hierarchies at a block current issues block task force composition responsibilities of block task force positive outcomes after the formation of block task force block task ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Block task force gadchiroli hierarchies at a current issues composition responsibilities of positive outcomes after the formation ensures institutional deliveries success poshan mah nutrition month efficient planning by successful implementation egsa aspirational revenue drda line departments eg health tahsildar development officer taluka bdo mandal adhikari extension medical mo talathi gram sevak anm asha lack low coordination convergence efficiency inefficient limited administrative processes collective responsibility chairman vice cdpo agriculture veterinary education members review meeting field visits bottleneck identification to be conducted on each member undertake identify bottlenecks fixed day monthly least two in schemes track progress aimed brainstorm find solutions district kpis constructively solve these need needs which requires interventions where administration s can converged support possibilities raised during quarterly level...

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