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picture1_Chemical Oxygen Demand Ppt 71073 | Flyer Internship2019 Pomer 3

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File: Chemical Oxygen Demand Ppt 71073 | Flyer Internship2019 Pomer 3
internship themes theme brief overview trainer development for palm pome messrs takahiro oguma and oil mill effluent pome technical evaluation and optimization of ihi pome chinatsu minagawa treatment technology treatment ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Internship themes theme brief overview trainer development for palm pome messrs takahiro oguma and oil mill effluent technical evaluation optimization of ihi chinatsu minagawa treatment technology system which realize biochemical oxygen demand bod reduction greenhouse gas environmental business gr ghg capturing in addition to extract rate oer dept improvement based on the operation result resource energy demonstration plant malaysia environment simulating area effect consideration we are trying apply steam explosion se takuya kishida relationship between crushing biomass distributions process particles after different chemical engineering properties from type would like ask you intelligence construction research reason why particle integration model view point equation predict characteristics such as structure performance so by checking papers a method processing at high temperature pressure it reducing instantly copyright corporation all rights reserved...

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