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picture1_Report Ppt 71028 | Report 2 Ppt

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File: Report Ppt 71028 | Report 2 Ppt
contoh report text tumbuhan 1 rafflesia rafflesia can be found in the forests of malaysia southern thailand sumatra and java but rafflesia flowers are fairly hard to locate it is ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Contoh report text tumbuhan rafflesia can be found in the forests of malaysia southern thailand sumatra and java but flowers are fairly hard to locate it is especially difficult see them bloom its buds take up months develop while blossom lasts for just a few days has brownish scale like leaves fleshy smelling various sizes from inches meter big diameter we usually notice large there deep well centre sexual organs located beneath rim disk male female separate reddish brown colors petals sprinkled with white freckles produce unpleasant stench similar rotting flesh this would attract flies insects which help disperse seeds parasite means takes nutrient out host berikut soal pilihan ganda dan pembahasannya mainly describes location b c d physical look kunci jawaban pembahasan paragraf berisi lokasi jadi keseluruhan adalah find because short life size smell paragraph informasi tentang perlu waktu bulan untuk berkembang mekar hanya berumur beberapa hari setelah itu mati menunjukkan span wha...

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