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picture1_Health Ppt 71027 | Seventh Lecture Documentation

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File: Health Ppt 71027 | Seventh Lecture Documentation
introduction introduction documentation in the health record is an integral part of safe and documentation in the health record is an integral part of safe and effective nursing practice effective ...

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...Introduction documentation in the health record is an integral part of safe and effective nursing practice clear comprehensive accurate a judgment critical thinking used professional provides account s unique contribution to care communication requires be done timely manner nurses should also aware legislative requirements regarding that may apply their particular setting policies take into consideration who clients are client needs available resources purpose fundamentally reflects perspective on his her provided effect continuity assists make future decisions effectiveness reliable permanent information accountability demonstrates gives credit for it determine responsibility legal proceedings issues failing keep records as required falsifying signing or issuing false misleading statement giving about without consent storage retrieval quality improvement from often evaluate during processes such performance reviews accreditation legislated inspections board facilitates evaluation prog...

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