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picture1_History Ppt 71026 | Case Presentation Guideline

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File: History Ppt 71026 | Case Presentation Guideline
medical history patient abbreviated name age gender occupation factors affecting the dental treatment e g pacemaker pathological conditions requiring antibiotic prophylaxis allergy bruxism xerostomia etc current illnesses current medication precise ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Medical history patient abbreviated name age gender occupation factors affecting the dental treatment e g pacemaker pathological conditions requiring antibiotic prophylaxis allergy bruxism xerostomia etc current illnesses medication precise knowledge of drug substance and side effects addiction bad habits effecting general health main complaint reason investigation s need this is not status previous treatments according to orthodontic prosthetic procedures oral surgery with dates inspection head neck region intraoral tmj stomato oncological monitoring hygiene dmf t periodontal bpe psr angle classification fabian fejerdy full face smile photos teeth should be visible on photo as well ikp slightly open position crossbite deep bite midline shift deviation...

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