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picture1_Corporate Powerpoint Templates 71011 | 171011castle

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File: Corporate Powerpoint Templates 71011 | 171011castle
introduction strategic context 1 castle control board cbb mandate 3 alignment with national policy from castle management act 1993 and strategic imperatives and other relevant legislation 2 four 4 strategic ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction strategic context castle control board cbb mandate alignment with national policy from management act and imperatives other relevant legislation four objectives the ccb manages on an enterprise risk basis partnerships good corporate governance administration develop museum interpretative a regular diligent process of heritage components assessment register promote as mitigation i e going concern tourism destination revenue safety security human ensure broad public accessibility resource highlights challenges clean audit opinion agsa renovations commemoration hugely successful help mod mv we programme managed this massive increase in publicity million audience decrease r vs app target highest recorded visitor totals history new restaurant kiosk gift shops events entrance fees oct mitigate expansion tangible offerings centre for memory healing learning king s statues utilization surplus its effect restitution garden schools legacy project mural operations log support rm miti...

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