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picture1_Report Ppt 70957 | Recount

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File: Report Ppt 70957 | Recount
social function to record events for the purpose of informing to tell what happened types of recount a personal recount retelling of an activity that the writer or speaker has ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Social function to record events for the purpose of informing tell what happened types recount a personal retelling an activity that writer or speaker has been personally involved in example diary anecdote b factual recording particular incident report experiment police news historical account c imaginative taking imaginary role and giving details day life roman slave generic structure orientation reader background information needed understand text sequence chronological reorientation closure coda comment on linguistic features general focus specific participants past tense verbs action use temporal connectives indicate circumstances time place st person pronouns i we responses can be included particularly at end are often chosen add interest humour...

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