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picture1_Technology Ppt 42408 | Google Cloud Platform Official Icons And Sample Diagrams

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File: Technology Ppt 42408 | Google Cloud Platform Official Icons And Sample Diagrams
gcp icons v1 0 the products and services logos may be used to accurately reference google s technology and tools for instance in architecture diagrams 2 table of contents google ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Gcp icons v the products and services logos may be used to accurately reference google s technology tools for instance in architecture diagrams table of contents cloud platform diagram examples general elements specific overview media user cards paths gaming product service digital marketing zones nesting internet things title footer bars financial dev test backup archive material from websites slides ppt mobile device lifesciences retail big data expanded resources bar project zone notes markers legend compute identity security each have a app container iam resource unique blue engine registry functions manager scanner hexagonal icon networking virtual load dns bigquery genomics network balancing cdn interconnect dataflow dataproc datalab pub sub storage databases machine learning sql persistent vision api speech natural translation jobs bigtable datastore disk language management stackdriver monitoring logging error trace debugger deployment reporting endpoints console billing shell ...

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