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picture1_Science Ppt 70893 | Data Science Lecture 1 Introduction

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File: Science Ppt 70893 | Data Science Lecture 1 Introduction
data science exponential increase in data all human generated information up to 2003 was about 5 exabytes same amount of data was generated every 2 days in 2011 and would ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Data science exponential increase in all human generated information up to was about exabytes same amount of every days and would be min now is the new oil world economic forum coined by clive huby a british commercialization entrepreneur this famous phrase embraced report just like crude it s valuable but if unrefined cannot really used has changed into gas plastic chemicals etc create entity that drives profitable activity so must broken down analyzed for have value what fortune magazine hot gig tech hal varian google chief economist nyt statistics next attractive job ability take able understand process extract from visualize communicate going hugely important skill mike driscoll ceo meta markets as practiced blend red bull fueled hacking espresso inspired civil engineering its acolytes possess practical knowledge tools materials coupled with theoretical understanding possible visual definition drew conway venn diagram...

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