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picture1_Powerpoint Summary Slide 70693 | Maystre

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File: Powerpoint Summary Slide 70693 | Maystre
one of the most interesting problems that i have ever met with incandescen r w wood 1902 t lamp spectromete r i was astounded to find that under certain conditions ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...One of the most interesting problems that i have ever met with incandescen r w wood t lamp spectromete was astounded to find under certain conditions drop from maximum illumination minimum a certainly ruled grating occured within range wavelengths not greater than distance between sodium lines singular anomalies were exhibited only when direction electric field at right angle ruling summary experimental and theoretical analyses survey what is surface plasmon polariton flat interface why plasmons generate phenomenology total absorption light by extraordinary transmission through subwavelength holes plasmonics metamaterials near microscopy coherent thermic emission on non periodic surfaces enhanced backscattering anderson localization photons first explanation rayleigh inclined think determining circumstance might perhaps be found in passing off spectrum higher order observed small but significant discrepancies actual locations those deduced his prediction explained these bad knowledge p...

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