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picture1_Artificial Intelligence Powerpoint Template 70652 | Group13(ai In Medicine)

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File: Artificial Intelligence Powerpoint Template 70652 | Group13(ai In Medicine)
overview overview motivation aim what is aim goals of aim applications of aim clinical expert system mycin introduction how it works specification of the therapy selection problem representation of goals ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Overview motivation aim what is goals of applications clinical expert system mycin introduction how it works specification the therapy selection problem representation certainty factor partial derivation algorithm doctors in a box to diagnose diseases community computer scientists and healthcare professionals set research program artificial intelligence medicine with revolutionize clancey shortliffe medical primarily concerned construction ai programs that perform diagnosis make recommendations are based on symbolic models disease entities their relationship patient factors manifestations specialized employ human like reasoning methods use machine learning create knowledge computers can learn from experience stored data used creation analyse within come up new results drug discovery for dissemination best expertise geographical regions where lacking making consultation help available non specialists not easy reach consultants formalize...

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