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16 Holiday Gift Ideas Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 21 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 16 txt files containing articles about Holiday Gift Ideas. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Gift Giving Superstitions And Legends
..... Superstitions: There are a lot of superstitions and legends involving the giving and receiving of gifts. For instance it was at one time considered bad luck to give a pair of scissors or a knife as a gift because it was feared that the act would "cut" the friendship in half. Therefore knives were never given as wedding gifts as it was believed they would lead to a broken marriage. Also never give anyone a pair of shoes as a Christmas gift because they would make the person you give them to walk away from you. When you give someone a gift of a wallet or purse be sure to put some money into it, even if only a coin, to ward off bad luck. At one time bakers would throw in an extra roll when you bought a dozen as a "gift" in case any of the other rolls were too small. This "gift" became known as the baker's dozen. .....


2. Holiday Gift Ideas For That Special Lady
..... Whenever a woman is out with her girlfriends, they love to chat about any and all things going on in their lives. They go to the bathroom together to hold secret meetings about their boyfriends and to gossip about one another. And of course, women love to shop together. Unfortunately for men, this makes buying gifts for a special lady, whether it be someone we are interested in, someone we are dating, someone we are married to, or even our mother, grandmother, or boss - women confuse us when it comes to the right gift. This article should help alleviate this dilemma. To start, guys who are interested in a lovely woman, or involved with one, here are some great holiday gift ideas for them. All woman love to be pampered, so why not indulge their needs? One of the ways to do this is by giving a hand and/or feet pampering kit. These kits typically contain lotions and other tools to make a woman feel pretty and loved by you. Of course, the next step from this would be a spa treatment for two - you and her! .....


3. Holiday Gift Ideas For Those Less Fortunate
..... The holidays are a time to meet up with those you love and to celebrate your precious time together on the planet earth. All of us enjoy getting together with those we enjoy spending time with, and we appreciate the limited time we get to do so. However there is a sad side to our celebrating that many have no idea how to help with. Every year there are those less fortunate souls who cannot afford to celebrate with their loved one's. Many of these people don't even have any loved ones left to visit, and thus they roam the streets alone. So many of us would like to show compassion and kindness to these people, but where do we even begin? How on earth can we make a difference in these people's lives? .....


4. Holiday Gift Ideas For Under Twenty Five Dollars
..... In our fast-paced world full of high-speed everything, one thing that seems to be a prevailing factor in our lives is how so many things require so much of our well-earned money. From paying for the necessities, such as rent or mortgage, car payment, insurance, utility bills, as well as food and clothing, most of our checks seem to fly out the door. Then there are entertainment expenses as well, including cable or satellite TV and even our Internet access. So when it's time to figure out what holiday gift ideas we are going to give out this year, the decision becomes harder and harder on what makes a good gift to give. In the past it was not uncommon for someone to receive expensive jewelry, watches, handmade clocks and other such prestigious items. Unfortunately for most of us, those days are gone, but we still want our holiday gift idea to make the person feel like a million dollars. The question thus becomes how to achieve this seemingly impossible feat. .....


5. Holiday Gift Ideas That Are Perfect For Men
..... Although they hate to admit it, when it comes to men, they are like wolves in their own little packs, searching for their next prey. Men act in ways contrary to women, often seeming to approve of disgusting behavior and desires. The more a woman tries to understand a man, then more confused she becomes about the way he acts and thinks. It is no wonder why women have such a tough time figuring out what to buy their male counterparts, whether it be a lover and mate, a husband, a father or a superior. This article should prove helpful with getting our female creative juices flowing. Let us first begin with the hot stud we either have had our eye on for some time, or even have had the luck to date and enjoy being with. Holiday gift ideas that work well for him would be anything sports or electronic related. If the guy loves to watch sports, a wall mural or posters of his favorite teams or players would definitely send a good message. If our guy is into physical activities, buying some of his gear such as snowboards, skateboards, footballs, etc are also a great gift idea. However, for the tech-head guy, stickers for his laptop or game console can excite them - or even a new mp3 player for them to play around with and show off to their guy pals. .....


6. Holiday Gift Subscriptions
..... Holiday shopping can sometimes be a real headache. Some people are incredibly difficult to buy for. What do you get for the person who has everything? The person who doesn't seem to want or need anything? Or maybe you are in a position, thanks to those wonderful Christmas grab bags, of having to buy a gift for someone you really don't know all that well. A magazine subscription provides for a gift that has a nice personal touch yet doesn't require that you know anyone's shirt size or favorite perfume and as an added bonus can run you as little as $10.00 for a full year. With a little general knowledge of the kinds of things they like you can give a gift that they can enjoy all year. Do they enjoy cooking? There are dozens upon dozens of food and beverage magazines on the market running the gamut from backyard barbecue to gourmet dinners. Southern Living, Taste of Home, Light & Tasty, and Diabetic Cooking just to name a few. Appetizers to desserts, diet advice, helpful hints, step by step "how to's". As a nice little extra benefit, this is a gift that can get you invited to a lot of really good dinners!! .....


7. Holiday Gifts Home Parties
..... Shopping the stores for holiday gifts can be a real hassle what with the stores being so crowded, and shopping online you really don't get to "see" what you are getting. Home parties have come a long way since the Tupperware Party days and they are no longer something you "have to go to and buy something" because your sister-in-law is hosting it - they are a great gift buying venue. Whatever you are looking for there is probably a home party that will provide it. No crowds to fight they bring the product right to you in the comfort of your own home where you can see exactly what you are buying, they deliver your order to you and best of all you can pick up several items at little or no cost to you! .....


8. Holiday Gifts Pets
..... Pets are wonderful. They cheer you up when you are down, keep you laughing, and love you no matter what. There is very little more heartwarming than seeing a child who has fallen asleep curled up next to a puppy. Pets are a very common gift for children at holidays. Puppies and kittens at Christmas, baby ducks, chicks and bunnies at Easter and so forth. What child's eyes wouldn't light up at the sight of a brand new baby animal to hold and hug? The promises to love, feed and take care of the new additions to the family flow like water. .....


9. Holiday Gifts Skydiving
..... If you are looking for a gift for someone who isn't afraid of heights, has a good amount of daredevil in them, and doesn't find anything wrong with jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, this is one gift that will earn you eternal gratitude. This is just the holiday gift for that special someone who you know has always wondered how it would feel to just jump out of an airplane, let alone fall 10,000 feet. A single tandem sky dive session will run you an average of about $200.00 which includes instruction that runs about half an hour and one jump. .....


10. Holiday Gifts For The NASCAR Racing Fan
..... Is your husband a NASCAR fanatic? Does your girlfriend count the days until it's time for the Daytona 500? When your child hears the numbers 8, 24 and 48 does he automatically think Dale Earnhardt Jr, Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson? Are more than half the products in your home sponsors of a NASCAR team? Are you looking for the perfect gift but just don't want to buy another T-Shirt, hat or 1/24th scale car? Give your race fan the thrill of a lifetime with a gift certificate to any one of a dozen race schools. For as little as $100.00 to several thousand dollars you will give a gift that will never be forgotten. Not even Santa could do better! .....


11. Holiday Gifts Storm Chasing
..... Is your significant other a "thrill seeker"? Is it hard to get them to come away from the window during a storm? Are they the last ones down to the basement when there is a possibility of a tornado? Do they watch the weather channel's storm stories over and over again? Have you watched the movie Twister until you know the entire script by heart? Then you have a prime candidate for the gift of a storm chasing adventure. Storm chasing although definitely not inexpensive, is without a doubt a once in a lifetime thrill. The trip can run well over $2,000.00 - which usually includes lodging but not food or transportation to and from the base motel. Some companies will offer you discounts for things like booking more than one trip, room sharing or filling the last couple spots on a trip. .....


12. How The Price Of Your Holiday Gift Idea Does Not Matter
..... If you were to ever go out and ask what someone's biggest concern was when choosing their next holiday gift idea, you would find that the overall perception is one that price matters. That is to say, most everyone feels that the more something cost, the higher it's value to not only the person purchasing the one who had the holiday gift idea, but also to the person who is to receive it. This perception could never be more further from the truth. First off, when thinking of your next holiday gift idea, you must understand that money in and of itself is worthless. That is correct - the money you have to spend on a gift is worthless. Now, at first blow this might hit you as a bizarre statement that is hard to grasp, but stay with me. Think of this: If you were to go to another place where your currency was not accepted by the country you were visiting, what would you do? .....


13. The Six Worst Gift Ideas Ever
..... All of us have heard at one time or another seller or buyer beware - but in this case, the saying now becomes gifter beware. Many of us give with the best of intentions, but never realize that the gifts we are about to give are truly nightmares - or worse - in disguise. No one ever means to make such a mistake, but these do occur and we are here to help you avoid these mishaps. The following are the six worst gift ideas ever to cross our paths. The first and biggest of the six worst gift ideas ever to give is the item that tries to give a subtle hint for what you consider a needed change in this person's life. We think this is a polite way of doing it, but all in all we cause more pain and trouble than it is worth. Some examples of these types of gifts are things like books for losing weight, an audio book on helping someone with their memory, or even a book on finding the right guy or girl. For the recipient, all they experience is you calling them fat, stupid, and unable to meet good people for relationships. The gift causes pain and depression - the opposite of the intention you had for it. .....


14. Top Five Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas
..... When we find that the days are approaching towards the next festive holiday or special occasion, we all get the dreaded feeling of not knowing what to give out as a great holiday gift idea. We worry that whatever it is that we choose for the person or people we have in mind, there is no way that they will be truly happy with what we bring. That is, until you remember the old saying that items made from the heart last a lifetime and are always the best gift to give. So you sit down and start to think over this holiday gift idea, and which one you should do for this special celebration. You pound your mind trying to think how you can beat out all the other gifts as the top prize this person has received. You imagine how you become the envy of all the other givers, who are now wishing they had thought of this holiday gift idea first. The only problem is, you doubt you know what the most popular homemade gifts are, so you scour the Internet in hopes of finding some simple yet extravagant patterns or recipes you can make for this holiday. .....


15. Unique Holiday Gift Ideas
..... Ever do a gift exchange with your family? How about Secret Santa with your co-workers? Or even watched in anticipation at a friends or child's birthday party? The excitement builds and everyone can't wait to see what unique holiday gift ideas the rest have gotten, and you just know that this year is going to be different. Finally the time to open the gifts has arrived, and you watch as all the gifts are opened and to everyone's disappointment, the presents are the same old ones from last year, and the year before, and even before that one. It appears that there is no uniqueness to anyone's gifts anymore. Ties, socks, even underwear has become second nature to some gift-givers. To others, you receive watches, earrings and other jewelry, and even kitchen utensils. And for those who were in a hurry and could not make up their mind, a simple card that said they thought of you on this special day. .....


16. Why Crafts Are Still A Wonderful Holiday Gift Idea
..... Whether it is a birthday, an anniversary or even a federal holiday, the number one thing on everyone's mind is: what on earth am I going to give away this year? Most of us when trying to figure out our holiday gift idea first think of how much money we have, and what that money can buy. Yet a few of us out there start to see all sorts of possibilities of what we can make to give our special someone(s) that is sure to be cherished more than a store-bought item. The first type of person looking for a crafty holiday gift idea is what I like to call the needle worker. Needle workers enjoying sewing, embroidery, or other such needle arts. Depending on the occasion, they may choose something small, such as sewing napkins and potholders or cross-stitching a magnet or a small, simple picture or a key-chain. For occasions that require a bit more, embroidering a larger picture or sewing a cherished item like a handbag or bath robe are great holiday gift ideas. .....


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