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picture1_Technology Ppt 70648 | Nanotechnology In The Field Of Medicine

picture2_Technology Ppt 70648 | Nanotechnology In The Field Of Medicine picture3_Technology Ppt 70648 | Nanotechnology In The Field Of Medicine

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File: Technology Ppt 70648 | Nanotechnology In The Field Of Medicine
Outline Outline Introduction Introduction Cell repair Machines Cell repair Machines Features Features Applications of Cell Repair Machines Applications of Cell Repair Machines Limits and Feasibility of Cell Repair Machines Limits ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Outline introduction cell repair machines features applications of limits and feasibility nano medicine respirocytes ongoing research horrors medical robots molecular technology ai will change at its foundations a system including nanocomputers scale sensors tools programmed to damage cells tissues fundamental break through these free from the reliance self as only path healing selective destruction example cancerous recognize destroy specific kind nature s own are limited in their ability size micron robot with parts would be nm actual machine microns bio compatibility passive diamond coating because inert not attacked by immune powering metabolize local glucose oxygen for energy clinical environment acoustic communication broadcast type messages device similar an ultra sound probe internal network navigation navigational station keeping elements providing high positional accuracy accurate positions could reported physician using drug delivery sophisticated ways target enable use lowe...
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