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picture1_Scientific Research Ppt 70634 | Amsci3

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File: Scientific Research Ppt 70634 | Amsci3
scientific management scientific management th scientific management or taylorism late 19 century and early 20th century part of drive for technological system system consisted not only of devices such as ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Scientific management th or taylorism late century and early part of drive for technological system consisted not only devices such as railroads telephones light bulbs but also people workers managers customers structures frederick taylor started time motion studies he provided theoretical foundations business administration mba criticism it treated machine parts praise opened white collar jobs esp women pioneered industrial psychology ergonomics charlie chaplin s modern times manhattan project convergence new revolution development in physics quantum relativity theories nuclear discovery fission rise american engineering atomic bomb office research osrd under vannevar bush est june expansion december pearl harbor chicago pile oak ridge uranium hanford plutonium los alamos j robert oppenheimer assembly bombs use some scientists argued against the franck report would start a arms race soviet union to get truman his advisors japan shorten war prevent occupation show power wanted end with...

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