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picture1_404330 Introduction To Microbiology

picture2_404330 Introduction To Microbiology picture3_404330 Introduction To Microbiology

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File: 404330 Introduction To Microbiology
• A disease causing microorganisms called pathogens (3% of all known microbes) • The others are non pathogenic (97%), the beneficial microbes are 87% • Microbes live on and in ...

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...A disease causing microorganisms called pathogens of all known microbes the others are non pathogenic beneficial live on and in our bodies e g skin mouth intestine as indigenous microflora or microbiota some them cause accidentally opportunistic diseases caused by infectious ubiquitous means that they virtually found every where body different environment globe dr adnan s jaran many bacteria fungi saprophytes which aid fertilization returning inorganic nutrients to soil break down dead dying organic materials plants animals into nitrates phosphates carbon dioxide water other chemicals necessary for plant growth also destroy papers feces biodegradable matters although cannot most plastics glass nitrogen fixing root nodules certain legumes able return from air form ammonia use introduction microbiology spread one person another long ago suggested existence invisible transmissible agent infection microscopic organisms were not seen however until antony van leeuwenhock made microscopes wit...
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