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picture1_Microbiology Ppt Templates 70515 | 5 2019 01 15!10 45 24 Pm

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File: Microbiology Ppt Templates 70515 | 5 2019 01 15!10 45 24 Pm
definition of microbiology the study of those organisms best observed with the aid of a microscope employs techniques and procedures required to study microorganisms fields of microbiology bacteriology prokaryotic cells ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Definition of microbiology the study those organisms best observed with aid a microscope employs techniques and procedures required to microorganisms fields bacteriology prokaryotic cells virology viruses mycology fungi protozoology protozoans single celled prokaryotes parasitology parasites immunology medical microbial genetics ecology biotechnology anthon van leeuwenhoek dry goods merchant lens grinder produced simple microscopes in report dated oct is first description bacteria louis pasteur frenchman trained as chemist discovered isomers tartaric acid process fermentation developed method pasteurization reduce contamination wine beer anthrax rabies vaccines what caused disease humoral theory an imbalance four body humors black bile yellow phlegm blood resulted treatments bloodletting expectorants purgatives demonic cast out demons exorcists conducted this practice miasmatic something air miasma poisonous vapor malaria bad influenza influence stars germ particulate matter transmissi...

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