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picture1_Planning Ppt 31953 | Handout Psi 413 Chapter 3

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File: Planning Ppt 31953 | Handout Psi 413 Chapter 3
the strategic management process the portman s hotel 3 steps strategically to achieve this to produce these employee skills and behavior the strategic management process how managers formulate and implement ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The strategic management process portman s hotel steps strategically to achieve this produce these employee skills and behavior how managers formulate implement plans they analyze evaluate their results goal setting planning involves objective making basic forecasts reviewing alternative courses action evaluating with options are best choosing implementing your plan sample hierarchy of goals diagram for a company presiden double sales revenue million in fiscal year vice president production human resource add one new train east west line at salespeople south regions plant recruiting training manager region identify hire move attract triple nevada good retrain customers government california candidates all others agencies market within months step formul transla ate define perform formula te strateg imple evaluat ekstern missio ies ment e current al n into achiev business internal directio ance audits ic...

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