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picture1_Slideshare Management 31910 | Chapter 21 Reits

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File: Slideshare Management 31910 | Chapter 21 Reits
reits 2 reits 3 requirements ownership 5 or fewer entities may not own 50 or more of the outstanding shares the 5 50 test no one shareholder owns more than ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Reits requirements ownership or fewer entities may not own more of the outstanding shares test no one shareholder owns than pension funds excluded reit must be transferable and held by at least persons managed a board directors trustees incorporated in states dc as taxable entity management managers passive employees actively engage managing operating properties includes providing service collecting rents from tenants set policy rental terms choose sign leases make decisions about allowed to subsidiary trs modernization act effective can provide services others previously this was debt payments are limited ensure that actually pays income taxes assets real estate cash govt securities other considered but its stocks subsidiaries stock non corporations have voting any corporation another whose owned for federal tax purposes...

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