File: Science Ppt 70415 | Pak Zainuri Sains Dan Teknologi Perspektif Islam
the dichotomy debate modern science and islamic science is still a crucial problem among muslim scholars today islamic science is understood as science based on revelation the hadith of the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The dichotomy debate modern science and islamic is still a crucial problem among muslim scholars today understood as based on revelation hadith of prophet ijtihad meanwhile experimentation human reasoning empirical data through research two sciences have their respective areas separate from introduction one another both in terms formal material objects methods criteria truth roles there an idea scientists to integrate islamization or integration neutralize influence western this was initiated by syed muhammad naquib al attas isma il raj i faruqi nature qalb ruh nafs dan aql potential tauhid religious fitrah mind heart body technology paradigm value free technologies are paradigma sains born developed context teknologi specific values paradigms civilizations philosophical ideology liberalism capitalism secular materialistic materialism melahirkan manusia yang tidak memiliki pribadi terpecah split personality dalam masyarakat position qur grand theory for principle integrating teachings ...