File: Science Ppt 70414 | English Sains Dan Teknologi Perspektif Islam
the dichotomy debate modern science and islamic science is still a crucial problem among muslim scholars islamic science is understood as science based on revelation the hadith of the prophet ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The dichotomy debate modern science and islamic is still a crucial problem among muslim scholars understood as based on revelation hadith of prophet ijtihad preliminary meanwhile experimentation human reasoning empirical data through research two sciences have their respective areas separate from one another both in terms formal material objects methods criteria for truth roles they play there are ideas scientists to integrate islamization or integration neutralize western s influence this idea was initiated by syed muhammad naquib al attas isma il raj i faruqi knowledge that has spread middle world community including been colored cultural civilization features itself given rise confusion born lost its essence causing chaos life therefore views not suitable consumption before being selected sorted true mixed with falsehood must observe number principles which islam regain discipline under framework means making theories goals subject oneness allah unity universe mankind according west...