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picture1_Technology Ppt 70312 | Pertemuan 7 Computer Crime

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File: Technology Ppt 70312 | Pertemuan 7 Computer Crime
definition computer crime an illegal act that involves a computer system or computer related system like any mobile device microwave satellite or other telecommunication systems that connect one or more ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Definition computer crime an illegal act that involves a system or related like any mobile device microwave satellite other telecommunication systems connect one more computers definisi kegiatan penggunaan komputer untuk melakukan tindakan ilegal hak pengaksesan contoh mencuri waktu pada perusahaan membobol situs web pemerintah pencurian informasi kartu kredit example intrusions into public packet networks network integrity violations pelanggaran privacy industrial financial espionage pirated software aided fraud penipuan internet e mail abuse penyalahgunaan using technology to commit murder terrorism pornography and many others siapa yang berkomitmen kejahatan jenis data diddling manipulasi atau pemalsuan salami slicing bagian program memotong sebagian kecil dari nilai transaksi besar dan mengumpulkan nya dalam suatu periode tertentu phreaking making free long distance calls cloning telpon selular menggunakan scanner...

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