File: Ppt Lesson Plan 70265 | Chaundel Space Science
space science lesson plan our solar system 1 computer skills navigation typing saving 2 science knowledge space gravity planets technology earth science 3 research skills looking for information in books ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Space science lesson plan our solar system computer skills navigation typing saving knowledge gravity planets technology earth research looking for information in books internet magazines vocabulary and glossary using online book dictionaries terms critical thinking open ended questions inference cause effect comprehension writing mini quizzes diagrams personal group teamwork cooperation role playing project presentations activate background pre quiz give written with easy explain discuss of the students start explaining some ask big question first time which planet would you want to visit your lower levels divide up jig saw style printed copies groups then share results think about describing words hot cold arid watery gas what do know sun mercury is closest it s there third from how long trip around hint one year jupiter biggest does have heaviest saturn sixth rings are made uranus seventh if has no land next slides lecture introduction show class read where we live any ideas a partn...