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picture1_Metal Ppt 70223 | Chapter 2 Modern Cmos Technology   I

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File: Metal Ppt 70223 | Chapter 2 Modern Cmos Technology I
cmos complementary metal oxide semiconductor in the simplest cmos technologies we need to realize simply nmos and pmos transistors for circuits like those illustrated below typical cmos technologies in manufacturing ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cmos complementary metal oxide semiconductor in the simplest technologies we need to realize simply nmos and pmos transistors for circuits like those illustrated below typical manufacturing add additional steps implement multiple device vth thin film tft srams capacitors drams etc described here requires masks through level process there are many possible variations on flow e g locos isolation vs shallow trench n mos p require different channel background doping source drain region gate is no longer it heavily doped poly crystalline si with low resistance required by logic v inverter nor output input s d gnd if any or both reduces static power dissipation because current from since one of always off same can also be realized replacing top a resistor r...

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