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picture1_Planning Ppt 70025 | Aggregate

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File: Planning Ppt 70025 | Aggregate
learning objectives review of forecasting forecast errors aggregate planning 2 utdallas edu metin phases of decisions strategy or design forecast planning forecast operation actual demand since actual demands differs from ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives review of forecasting forecast errors aggregate planning utdallas edu metin phases decisions strategy or design operation actual demand since demands differs from forecasts so does the execution plans e g supply chain concentration students per year whereas is characteristics are always wrong should include expected value and measure error long term less accurate than short too useless horizon to determine raw material purchases for next week annual electricity generation capacity in tx years more disaggregate variance smaller because extremes cancel out two samples averages sample several ways products into product groups by location time variability implies zones frozen flexible volume firm orders zone fences mps period slushy liquid somewhat open fixed divide a scheduling three sections referred as strict adherence fence policies rules...

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