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picture1_Technology Ppt 70016 | Component Ii Employment Unido Dimitrijevic

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File: Technology Ppt 70016 | Component Ii Employment Unido Dimitrijevic
unido department of agri business ptc agr the department provides a wide range of technical cooperation services analyses of agri business value chains vocational training and industrial skills development activities ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unido department of agri business ptc agr the provides a wide range technical cooperation services analyses value chains vocational training and industrial skills development activities youth women empowerment entrepreneurship food safety security agricultural mechanization innovation modern processing technologies design agro parks poles staple crops zones scpz etc consists three divisions rural job creation human division rjh systems nutrition fsn industries technology ait component ii productive employment for communities key challenges indicators high unemployment causing increasing informal annual increase in outward migration turnover msmes clusters focusing on milk scarce capacities fragmented meat poor organization among farmers number locally produced lack efforts to promote their processed products domestic international markets underdeveloped organic traditional jobs niche with unexploited industry export potential rate at local low technological preparedness level post harv...

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